About me

Who is George Webster?

I got my first knife when I was around five or six and from that time on, I’ve been hooked!  I have that knife to this day. Right now, it’s in my shop waiting for a new handle. It’s on my list to get to!

Twenty years on from then, I started to think about making knives.  To get started, I made wood carving knives as the blades are smaller and decent blade material was more readily available. 

Fast forward to the present and many years down the road,  I’ve been making knives on and off for most of it. They’ve been mostly for friends, family, and to build a portfolio. However, some are in the hands of serious home cooks, some in the hands of professional chefs, and some in the hands of sportsmen and sportswomen alike.

Now, I’m working with the best materials on the market and the best equipment that I can get into my shop.  Some relatively recent additions include an electric furnace for heat treating, a new belt grinder, a propane forge, and anvil. 

I hope you enjoy a tour of this website. It will continually evolve as I round up pictures of the knives that I’ve made over the years, add some of recent knives, and add shots of those in the queue as I complete them. 

With the addition of the forge, I’m also working in metal art whenever I have the chance.  Shots of some of these projects will make their way onto this page as they get completed.

Cheers!  George